Favourite Quote

"Life is just one damned thing after another" Elbert Hubbard

人生苦短, 珍惜眼前人

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Domino Pizza - MidValley

Today is CNY Day 3 , my sister and I start working already whereas everyone stilll on their long CNY holiday.... what a bored day for us... Just only CNY 3 but need to work.... while everyone still enjoying their gathering, fooods, angpow... gambling.. this and that.... So after a long 8 hours of boring working.. we went to MID VALLEY for a walk... since this is the first time I come back KL so early for CNY... I'm quite enjoying the crowd here... so less car and people... damn syok... in a big city and not so people around.. really realxing...

Walking around MV and looking for food.... "mau makan apa"??? Finally my sister choose Domino... why? simply that she hunger for it... coz always heard people say Domino pizza but never got the chance to taste it... OK la.. Since i'm a good sister... here you go.... hehe...

The choices compare to Pizza hut really less... But taste not better.... After this visit, I think Domino is better than Pizza hut.... let's take a look the Menu for the day... We choose the "number 1"

The set is more than enough for us... so "kenyang".. very fulfilling.... importantly we are not big eater la... hehe..

(Mushroom soup)

The soup is bottomless... meaning u can topup and topup and topup as u like... But this soup not include in my set de... since bottomless wor.. ADD ON one enough lo.. can share ma... haha.. so Kiasu hor.....

(Salty Bread)

This bread so yummy... the dough so soft.... very nice.... its taste garlic and cheese.... really nice.. can beat the PIZZA HUT's garlic bread.... hehe.. both also best.... 3 for us really not enough... can i add on?? hahaha.. well.. next time..

(Coke and Ice Lemon Tea - my fav COKE glass)

(Chic Stick)

One glass of drink forever not enough for me when PIZZA time.. hehe... the Chic stick just normal only... for me a bit hard la... the BBQ sauce quite nice.. overall OK..

(Pizza - forgot which one jor)

The pizza not really OK for me.. what I mean is the filling.... but the bread or the dough really nice... very the soft... not so "tebal" and not so "nipis".. ngam ngam for my taste.... Can I say.. PIZZA HUT is out for me.. hehehe....

(Satisfying sister with the cheese pizza)

While everyone eating abalon, yee sang, sea cuccumber, chinese flower mushroom, fatt choy... me and my sister eating PIZZA... not really a good food for CNY.. haihzzz.......

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