Favourite Quote

"Life is just one damned thing after another" Elbert Hubbard

人生苦短, 珍惜眼前人

Friday, September 17, 2010

1st - After "Break"

This is my 1st post under "relationship" after my failure...

It is "hurt"? not really... It is "sad"? not really too... but why seems so "down"?
Like LOST somewhere? like lost in the middle of jungle, cant find the way out...

Anyway, this failure once again proof to myself that, I really cant adapt into two peoples world..
Probably a curse to me...
No matter how hard I try, no matter how wish to survive.. Its just cant work out...

Sometimes, my Devil will laugh at my Angel.. "You enjoyed your life so fully for the past few years !! Why so stupid still want to fall into men's hug again?"... its quite torturing to heard the laughter...

Need to stand up again after this fall really not that easy... huh !!

Out of sudden, I fall in love with this book "Men from Mars, Women from Venus !!"

I salute old days people whereby they very stick to each other no matter what... Once be together meaning whole life be together.. No matter how many downs still will be together... Doesnt look like nowadays people... tend to give up when there cant way out at the down time... That's why nowadays we still can see old people like our grandpa or grandma still can hold hand until now....


  1. Well, not all first relationship will work. Sometimes a failed relationship means we get to know ourselves better and able to identify who is the right person as our soul mate.

  2. Falcon... its not my 1st r'ship... I understand that failure will bring us be better...

  3. It is not the matter whether you can survive in two world relationship, it is about the right person you meet up. Building up a relationship is not as easy as building friendship. Go go go!!! Keep trying, Dont give up!!


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