Venue : Elephant Trunk Hill, Fubo Hill, Merryland Theme Park
In Malaysia, breakfast normally will be nasi lemak, roti canai or teh tarik.. very strong taste of breakfast.. But at China, the breakfast very light taste.. For me quite ok as I dont go for heavy breakfast.. But for 8 days 7 nights, you might bored with the breakfast style.. even though I change hotel everyday, but the breakfast offer at every hotel almost the same... huh...
(Mantow, fried noodle, egg, porridge and soya bean)
The first place for the day is, Elephant Trunk Hill... why call this name?? there is a legend story behind it... and its outlook really similar to the elephant in the midst drinking the river water... Dont ask me the story.. I forgot already.. hehehe... actually the best part of china is, whatever tourist place also got the legend story... If you want, can take the river cruise to see more clearer how the hill look like...

(Entrance lo)

(nice shadow - hehe)

(Does it similar to elephant trunk?)

(The red red is red leaves - real de.. not fake ok)

(Its so yummy - exactly like the photo - RMB7.00 - expensive ler)
(Entrance lo)
(nice shadow - hehe)
(Does it similar to elephant trunk?)
(The red red is red leaves - real de.. not fake ok)
You will notice the photo seems abit dusty or hazzy.. yeah.. Guilin weather is like this de... hazzy.. Even though very hot, but I didn't see the sun... I can said wrong date.. coz I thought will be like at least cameron.. but its not.. haihzz.. So why not some ice-cream... yummy...
(Its so yummy - exactly like the photo - RMB7.00 - expensive ler)
In China trip, there are some compulsory shop must visit.. Compulsory not meaning recommended ok.. Compulsory by China government that foreigner tour must go visit these shops.. like Chinese Traditional Medicine, Pearl, Jade, Crystal, Tea and etc... Franky speaking, the price not cheap lo compare to outside.. but I think quality will be better than outside la.. at least these shops is control by government...
Tour guide will explain this to us first.. then must at least spend half n hour in the shop.. you want to buy or not.. its up to you.. hehehe... I heard if you buy, the tour guide do have some commission... In china, actually whatever also money... tipping tipping tipping... haihzz...

(Leng luizz - demonstate to us)

(wow - so many Pearl - the lucky one got it all)
Tour guide will explain this to us first.. then must at least spend half n hour in the shop.. you want to buy or not.. its up to you.. hehehe... I heard if you buy, the tour guide do have some commission... In china, actually whatever also money... tipping tipping tipping... haihzz...
(Leng luizz - demonstate to us)
(wow - so many Pearl - the lucky one got it all)
After the Pearl visit, we proceed to lunch.. wow.. I so hungry because I didn't eat so much for breakfast... walk so much.. must eat alot lot lot to replace back the energy... hehehe... yummy... Since so hungry.. I only manage to snap part of the dishes.. Everylunch and dinner will be 8 dishes + 1 soup + 1/2 bottles beer + 1 bottle soft drink... geng ler...

After lunch, already very full.. so its times to get some walk.. At Guilin, its full of mountain... actually I got some feeling that.. "Why its look like Ipoh - sam poh tong ah - gua temperung ah??" hahaha.... Now only realize Ipoh's mountain also not bad lo.. World standard de...
Guilin most famous hill is Fu Bo Hill... This hill is represent Guilin de... Since so many local (china) tours.. We all decide to spend 1/2 hour there.. Why? because we scare of those local... they very rude and noisy.. we all cannot stand them.. hehehe... so a quick visit at this hill..
Guilin most famous hill is Fu Bo Hill... This hill is represent Guilin de... Since so many local (china) tours.. We all decide to spend 1/2 hour there.. Why? because we scare of those local... they very rude and noisy.. we all cannot stand them.. hehehe... so a quick visit at this hill..
Take about 1 1/2 hours to arrive at XingAn... yeah.. its our - young people world.. Merryland Theme Park.. so nice.. the theme park very big.. but of course cannot compare to Korea ah.. Taiwan ah.. Disneyland ah.. haha.. But far more better than Malaysia.. got bungee jump de.. Sorry.. didn't take any photos.. coz busy seeing people play... I didn't play coz no kaki...
So I'm thinking since the tour mostly elderly going, why still arrange to go themepark.. haihzz.. so stupid arrangement... I'm accompany my father, mother walking slowly here and there lo.. somemore so sunny.. my father cannot stand the heat so most of the time we sit at one place and observe lo... My the other relatives they went to play their own...
So I'm thinking since the tour mostly elderly going, why still arrange to go themepark.. haihzz.. so stupid arrangement... I'm accompany my father, mother walking slowly here and there lo.. somemore so sunny.. my father cannot stand the heat so most of the time we sit at one place and observe lo... My the other relatives they went to play their own...
About 5.30pm, we went back to the hotel to check in.. Merryland Hotel.. is together with the theme park de.. 5 star hotel.. this is only 5 star hotel we will stay.. and its very far away from town.. nowhere to go.. and nothing to play also..
Dinner time.. its at Hotel also... 5 star hotel wor.. sure the food nicer right?? I'm not sure la.. check it out...
Quite a nice dinner.. May be we so hungry.. hehehe... Since so early.. we walk around the hotel.. But nothing to see lo.. So we all went back own room to rest.. everyday we back to hotel at about 11pm.. and wake up 6am.. today since got many time to rest.. I really need to lay down on the bed and enjoy enjoy.. hehehe...
The pearls real or not?
ReplyDeleteI heard they said they will show u real ones, but sell u fake ones...
wow the ice cream!!! i wanna try!!! erm guilin is a nice place... guess travelling there alone will be great also =p and the food...i have been eating for the whole 16days nonstop during my previous csp8 trip!!
ReplyDeleteNice food, nice view but no local beer :)
ReplyDeleteThe pearl i also not sure lo.. but heard a lot fake things at China la..
ReplyDeletedefinitely the ice-cream is better than M'sia.. a lot lot lot lot of varities lo.. hehehe...
Beer ah??? a bit light lo...
any tours in any part of the world is the same, tour guides will surely do their best to earn more commissions. its up to u to decide whether to buy or not