I know I'm quite late when talking about Resolution... Now is second month of the year 2012 but yet I still so hea+ing around... Am still thinking what is my resolution for this year?
Review back my previous resolution really doesnt like resolution.. hahaha... and only 25% of it fulfilled... Set a resolution really not an easy things...
I feel myself think and act very differently compare to last year... Last year I only think of FUN that why all my resolution is about TRAVEL... But now I feel want to be more stable.. May be due to aging.. As age increasing, mind tend get older and older.. thinking also slower... The urge to go travel become lesser and lesser and lesser...
Where does the urge goes?? HOUSE !! I want to get my own house.. my own comfortable nest !! Doesnt need to be very big.. as long as its belongs to me... But buying a property at KL is not easy... No matter what and how long, I must own a house... That is my lifetime ultimate goal...
So this year, saving money is my priority.. Oh yeah !! be more hardworking at blogging.. last year too lazy... more hardworking to walk around and snap picture then share at my blog - my little corner...
Gambateh all !!!
Hope you can find a good location house too